Joint Use
TPC’s Joint Use Team specializes in a program called the Doublewood Program that performs the transfer of multiple communication lines from obsolete utility poles. This task entails the transfer of the communication lines to the new pole and then the removal of the obsolete utility pole. Our Doublewood program takes unsightly two-pole setups and cleans them up to just one pole. It makes the pole lines look much cleaner! We encourage you to contact us to learn more about this no-hassle program TPC offers.
Our team also works with utility companies and communication companies to create safe pole attachment clearances for new communication lines. This includes the raising and/or lowering of existing communication line attachments on the utility pole. We also work in unison with utility companies and multiple broadband communication companies to correct pole attachment clearance violations. This task entails the raising and/or lowering of existing communication attachments on the utility pole to meet safety and engineering standards.

Our Capabilities:
- Utility pole attachment transfer planning
- Make-ready attachment planning
- Make-ready attachment management
- Two-pole clean up and removal (Doublewood remediation)
- Violation repairs